مقالة توضيحية


How to write a Dissertation or PhD Thesis Proposal:

Research proposal is an outline of the proposed project to define the research problem, scope, hypothesis and your contribution to the project.  

It is important to talk to the supervisor to find out what are the department or university requirements for writing a proposal.But the usually the general requirements for writing a proposal are:

  • The proposal is always written in the present and future tense while the Thesis or Dissertation is written in the past tense.
  • Generally,it is around 3000 words
  • Title: Its can be changed later on but it should include all the important key words of the project.
  • It is always the better proposal, the better chance to be accepted.


The major parts of the proposal:


It should be interesting for the reader. It includes summary of the research objectives, and the major questions and problems behind this research. It should give an idea for the reader about what is researcher attempting to achieve, how this research does add value to the subject and what are the differences this research will make.



Describe the research problem in depth and background research about the proposal major questions and problems. Convince the reader how the problem is important by giving three main reasons at least and two concrete examples of the current problem.



This section should address the scopes and goals of this study, the current studies and theories related to the research problem include alternative approaches to the problem and how do those studies link to your work. And state the expected results of the research



Describe the research methods should be provided during the project to reach project scopes within the timeframe and why you plan to do them and how are you going to do them including all the details of the research methods if you are using existing theories or a new approach or methods. List the main stages of the project and what would you be expecting to do in each year.



List of all the source materials, key references and other related materials to your project proposal.





Faryadi, Q. (2012) How to Write Your PhD Proposal: A Step-By-Step Guide. Available from: http://www.aijcrnet.com/journals/Vol_2_No_4_April_2012/12.pdf

Mitchell, A. (2011) Writing a Good PhD Proposal – Some Guidelines. Available from: http://100thousandwords.wordpress.com/2011/03/04/writing-a-good-phd-proposal-%E2%80%93-some-guidelines-by-dr-audra-mitchell-university-of-york/

Willits, D. (2004) How to Write a Successful PhD Dissertation Proposal.Avaiable from: http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/grad/pages/PhD_Research_Proposal.pdf

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